
I haven't been blogging as much of late because nothing is happening (if you ignore the shouts of VIIIIIIISAAAAAA echoing in my cavernous skull, which I do try to).

I feel like I've entered a second childishness - thankfully not the sans taste/teeth/eyes/everything sort that Jacques waxes lyrical about in 'As you like it' - rather, life has adopted a simplicity I haven't experienced since I was about 4 years old.

I've literally taken to just following my mum around on whatever she happens to be doing that day. I've stomped my feet in boredom around B&Q (Homebase equivalent), whined about too-long dog-walks (my new red wellies help complete that picture), wandered around in search of bunny rabbits at 'Pets at Home (Petco) while mum bought boring dog food and sat in coffee shops listening while mum chatted with a bumped-into friend. Today I actually sat painting pebbles at the kitchen table while mum and dad had a coffee with friends. While the pebblepainting was wedding related and not quite as juvenile as it sounds, I had a distinct déjà vu.

The only difference I can see in this new simple world to the one I inhabited 22 years ago is that I get to drink wine with dinner and I haven't named all the snails in the garden. Yet.

1 comment:

  1. Take up knitting! It takes up most of my free time cos I'm so rubbish. I done a blog too! On the TimeBank website... I've got to go and get my visa for Cuba on Friday. I might be in your club then too!Fran.xx
