This too must pass

Homesickness is a moving target. I get to grips with one form and other one pops up.

The current form is more problematic than the others. Before it's always been an acute feeling of missing. Longing for family or friends or foodstuffs. Missing fields full of cows and small cars and winding roads. My current problem is this:

I'm surrounded by Americans.

They're everywhere. Speaking American, thinking American, eating American food and watching American television. There's even one sleeping in my bed. Heck, even my bloody cat is American. Now that's depressing.

One day I may have American children. I can't quite bring myself to contemplate that as an idea.

I'm not sure when this happened. I mean, obviously it's always been so. I'm in America after all. But recently I've been painfully aware of it in a way I wasn't before.

I'm hoping this feeling will pass. It kind of has to.

In other related news, this week I was introduced to someone as follows:

"I'd like you to meet Hannah, Jeremy's wife. Now, wait until you hear her talk. Hannah, say something."

This feeling will pass, right?

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