
February is my least favourite month. There is something so incredibly grey and tired about it. Every year I enter into it apprehensively, moving through its fog with trepidation, knowing it has full capability to trip me up and drag me under. I do not like February. Generally there are two lights in its favour. Three if you count the fact that it's short as months go. But this year I managed to overlook Pancake Day (easily done in a country that's a) never heard of it and b) thinks pancakes are those dumpy doughy lumps they like to stack and soak in maple syrup) and also had food poisoning on, yes on, Valentines Day. 

Also laden upon February this year is a host of Waiting, if you can have a host of Waiting, which I think you can. Waiting for feedback from agents (which eventually came and succeeded on casting more shadow on this grey dull month, so now I'm waiting for inspiration or inclination or just some oomph to revise, restart, reeverything); waiting for Green Card renewal (more on this another time, but basically we can't book our China trip until this arrives and it's been not arriving for months now); waiting for my professional life to look livelier and like it might actually be gaining momentum (it might... I'm waiting) and the usual February Waiting, which is waiting for February to hurry up and end already. 

Too many days this month I have felt inexplicably sad, an empty sort of sad that has no focus or reason, just sad. And I blame the month entirely. 

Dear February, 

You suck - go away. 




  1. Hi there,
    i just read a few of your posts. Read the homesickness posts from a few years carefully! I might be moving to Boston next year. My bf moved to Beverly in 2011. I'm scared! Reading what you wrote about homesickness, about becoming someone totally different and introverted is what I do when i visit him, it was horrible last time! How long did that take to change? Has it totally changed?
    Sorry for the random msg! x

  2. Hi Helen. I think u need to go in with a plan to eke out your own life. Volunteering was a big thing for me as it gave me something to do and I ended up making some friends that way. Driving over here changed a lot for me too, since it meant I wasn't housebound when Jeremy was out. I literally had a list of things I needed to do to build a life and I worked my way through it. I'm not sure how long it took for me to feel completely settled, but it def got easier fairly quickly and the bad days got further apart.

    Beverly is a nice place to move to! It's nice to be by the sea!

    If u do end up moving, feel free to check back in with any questions - I'm pretty familiar with us immigration at this point!

    Good luck!

  3. Hi Helen. I think u need to go in with a plan to eke out your own life. Volunteering was a big thing for me as it gave me something to do and I ended up making some friends that way. Driving over here changed a lot for me too, since it meant I wasn't housebound when Jeremy was out. I literally had a list of things I needed to do to build a life and I worked my way through it. I'm not sure how long it took for me to feel completely settled, but it def got easier fairly quickly and the bad days got further apart.

    Beverly is a nice place to move to! It's nice to be by the sea!

    If u do end up moving, feel free to check back in with any questions - I'm pretty familiar with us immigration at this point!

    Good luck!

  4. Hi Helen. I think u need to go in with a plan to eke out your own life. Volunteering was a big thing for me as it gave me something to do and I ended up making some friends that way. Driving over here changed a lot for me too, since it meant I wasn't housebound when Jeremy was out. I literally had a list of things I needed to do to build a life and I worked my way through it. I'm not sure how long it took for me to feel completely settled, but it def got easier fairly quickly and the bad days got further apart.

    Beverly is a nice place to move to! It's nice to be by the sea!

    If u do end up moving, feel free to check back in with any questions - I'm pretty familiar with us immigration at this point!

    Good luck!

  5. A life plan sounds like a v good idea. I've just been reading more of your 2010 posts (i'm probably going to read through the next few years over the next few nights!) and its making me scared but also slightly relieved that you seemed to have felt the same things i'm feeling. I'm most worried about making friends - not just any old friends - but friends you can take the mick out of etc, pleased to hear you found that easier than you thought! I also feel a little stupid about being worried about making friends, it seems so easy over here, but so different over there!

    I'll definitely get in contact with you again when the time comes if that is ok, although I think your emigration probably worked v differently - my bf is English so is working on visas too. All depends on the visas!

    Thanks for you msg and lovely blog xx
