A few unrelated things

- I hate Lowes (hardware superstore place) and Home Depot. I hate them with a vehemence that screams through my veins. They're too big, filled with far too many boring things and I end up trailing around after Jeremy feeling once again like I used to feel aged 5 when I'd trail around similar places with my parents. Except these days I don't get to be pushed in a trolley. Now, as then, the only thing that can stave off internal boredom-induced combustion, are paint swatches. We now have so many there's an entire drawer dedicated to them.

- I'm writing again. It's like drawing blood from a stone. Since I'm the stone, it's quite painful. I've given myself til early feb to get this rewrite done - currently that seems like the stupidest idea I've ever come up with.

- There was ice on the inside of one of our windows this morning. Don't panic, it doesn't mean our house was below freezing inside, but it does mean this particular window isn't very good and that it's impossibly cold outside.

- All of my clothes are currently bundled in a bag downstairs in the basement, waiting to be folded and put away, because somehow all of my clothes became unfolded and scrumbled up all over the place and I lost patience and put them in a bag instead. I wish I was one of those people who folded clothes and had self control.

- Jeremy doesn't like pulp in orange juice. I learned this yesterday. We have been together over eight years. What else isn't he telling me?

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