I should be packing...

...little wonder then that I'm blogging instead.

That toes-to-eyelash tingle I've been getting about our upcoming move has not diminished. In fact, on a quarter hourly basis I'm reminded of something I'm leaving or moving towards and the tingle starts all over. In deference to Jeremy, who loves our current apartment for reasons unclear, I wont list all the things I will not be missing. Instead, behold a list of all the things I'm am ridiculously excited about...!

1. Washing Machine. We had one, up until the day before we went to barbados and it broke with all holiday clothing in it (in a foot of soapy dirty water). But even when it worked that one wasn't very good and we're moving towards one that a) works and b) is under a year old. Clean clean clothes!

2. Washing line. There isn't one yet but there will be. I don't care that Americans seem to think that only 'Italians' dry their clothes outside. The English do too, and guess what, it's great.

3. Full sized appliances. A fridge, freezer, oven and dishwasher that were not built for hobbits, and are in sparkly shiny gonna-be-obssessive-about-cleaning-off-finger-prints metal.

4. Air conditioning. Not that I'd use it often, but seriously, the past few days have been ridiculously hot and it's not fun.

5. A Piano. There's space and we're not moving for a while, ergo for the first time in my adult life I get to have one.

6. A Kitten... ditto the above, with a little more Jeremy persuasion necessary.

7. Granite kitchen tops...impractical they may be, but they're so pretty.

8. The Bathtub! With the bubbles!

9. And while we're on the subject of bathrooms... a bathroom that is not essentially in the kitchen and has a lock and doesn't have mould / damp / fungus growing up the walls and doesn't spontaneously drop wall tiles on my head while showering. Too obvious I'm referencing our current place? Oh well.

10. What to pick for my final item? There are so many things! Ok, the fireplace. Because even though it's too hot to conceive of fire right now, just think how unbelieveably awesome it will be in the winter.

ok I'm done.



  1. How have you coped without AC?! It's a must in Eastern US/Canada. The humidity alone drives me (and my hair) crazy!

  2. I guess 'cause I never had it growing up, it's not something that occurs to me... kinda like taking taxis...! But it is VERY different here to the UK, and I (and my hair) definitely enjoy AC. My husband (MA born and bred) also didn't have it growing up, but he's more than a little weird/annoying when it comes to saving energy.
