
"Whaddya mean you're stuck here?"

Jeremy says as I look out the window morosely, seeing yet another layer of snow falling down to further complicate any path I might want to take to anywhere that isn't our apartment.

"I mean, unless I want a full on expedition out of here then getting anywhere is pretty tough"

"Nah. Stop being negative. Snow is awesome."

I disagree. Snow is only awesome when you're at the top of a hill, sledge in hand, ready to whizz your way to the bottom. The rest of the time, snow is inconvenient, wet and cold. And everywhere. In the past two weeks we've had about 3 feet of snow. None of which has melted, all of which has been ploughed so that the roads are lined with snow-walls. Any attempt to walk along the pavement (sidewalk) is thwarted by intermittent snow walls and the fact that home-owners are responsible for the pavement outside their house and therefore the quality of shovelling corresponds to the errr quality of the homeowner.

Jeremy and I leave it all up to our landlord, who has a snow-blower so it's all fine

So, here I am, a newly anointed driver who as yet has only summoned the courage to drive across town to Walgreens and who definitely does not possess the courage to drive on/in snow (nevermind the fact that my husband has taken the car to work) and unless I'm prepared to snow-shoe my way into town (which I'm not), then I'm stuck here.

 Oh and it was 57degrees in the apartment when I woke up this morning.

On the up-side I got given a 'snuggie' (blanket with arm holes and a curious pocket which I think is meant for the remote) for christmas.

Does it get any bleaker than this???

1 comment:

  1. Yeh it takes sometime to get used to having 'real' snow on this side of the Atlantic! The first time we got 3ft overnight, I just about had a cow the next morning. But I do love snow, although like you I don't want to drive in it...stay warm.
