Where to Begin?

So I've decided to write a blog, but where to begin?

Should it begin in 2003 in our 'Epic Tradition' seminars, with Helen and I drawing pictures of Lions eating Derek Hughes as we cultivated our excitement about our upcoming trip to Kenya?

Or when the Kenya trip was cancelled due to terrorist threats, the foreign office and over-protective parents?

Or when Helen and I chose Italy as the tamer, cheaper option and decided it would be hilarious if we were killed by Lions or Terrorists there (not sure why we thought that'd be funny - I think we were just discovering irony).

And then there was the ill advised kissing of a very tall australian in sicily, copious amounts of italian wine and pizza, the heady joy of being young and free and gathering 'stories' to exaggerate back at Warwick.

All of which led us to a hostel in Sorrento, where the shower overflowed but the pizza was cheap and while I was regretting kissing the tall australian, my friends were busy befriending two Americans.

(quick montage spanning 6.5 years: boat-trips around Capri, first-kiss on beach in Italy, arguments with parents, reckless visit to America, staying up all night to talk, falling asleep on the arts centre floor, many tears, flights, hellos / goodbyes, 1 MA from Boston University, unsuccessful jobsearch, return to England, more tears, flights etc, a proposal at the top of the hub and mountains of forms and red visa tape)

Which pretty much brings us up to date. So I guess I'll begin here - staring out at devonshire countryside (weekend escape from London), with everything about to happen but nothing actually happening right now, waiting (always waiting) for visa letters and interviews and marquee quotes and thinking (always thinking) about future jobs and friends and whether I'll ever cave and pronounce Basil, baysil - I hope not but shudder at the thought that my children might...


  1. I like your blog Han. I didn't realise that you weren't meant to go to Italy that summer. Although some would say you were meant to, really.
    I would be more upset if you started to pronounce Aluminium, Aloominum.

  2. Wow I love the way you write Hannah. The red tape will be well worth the waiting, thinking...
    I can't wait to have you on this side of the sea.
